Amanda Dangerfield

Amanda Dangerfield Piano

Amanda Dangerfield composed and notated her first piano solo, “So Many Things to See,” at age 14, using the old piano that had been her great-grandpa’s. Her teacher, Roger Lewis, encouraged his students to compose and enter the national Reflections contest.

She earned an associate’s degree in music. Later she earned a bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies. She married, had 4 daughters, and released her debut EP in 2017. The title is A Small Miracle because of the piece she wrote at age 18. It also includes cover songs. Frazer Wambeke of Black Dolly recorded, mixed, and mastered it at Rainmaker Studios in Pasco, Washington.

Amanda became more interested in composing after Lynda Crawley of Yakima, who had written some lyrics, asked her if she could write the music for the lyrics.  “I’ll Leave This World Smiling,” was released in October 2020. Lara Johnson sang the vocals. They recorded it with Steven Lerud at Lakeview Media Productions in Saratoga Springs, Utah, during the Dangerfields’ move from Washington to Virginia.

Steven also recorded, mixed, and mastered Amanda’s 2021 singles. At the beginning of December 2021, Amanda released her first arrangement (mashup), “He Sent His Son / I Feel My Savior’s Love.” And at the end of December 2021, she released another neoclassical piece, “Each Heart.” She is slowly working on more!

Amanda curates Spotify playlists as BeFilledWithJoy. She also loves to read, homeschool her kids, eat fresh fruit, and walk in nature. You can follow Amanda on social media by going to: Amanda Dangerfield Piano.




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