Beyond Measure

Eric Corpuz

This picture is from Eric’s Linkedin account.

Eric Corpuz, a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, started a Brigham Young University (BYU) co-ed A Capella group, Beyond Measure. The purpose of creating Beyond Measure, comprised of seven girls and six boys who are all current full-time BYU students, is to help others feel the peace found in the gospel. Corpuz had the idea to form the group after he and Skyler Holman, business director of the group, knew they had not made it into BYU’s all-male A Capella group, Vocal Point. The female members of the group include soprano – Malea Lunt, Brooklyn Boice, and Abby Ann Falke; alto – Kylie Kay Falke, Alex Angus, and Janet Vallem; and baritone – Skyler Holman. The male members include tenor – Hayden Parkinson, Eric Ray Corpuz, and Ben McKay; baritone – Will Cockriel; bass – Isaac Hoffman; and Vocal Percussion – Justin Liu. The directors of Beyond Measure are Amy Lynn Whitcomb and Parker O’Very.

Corpuz commented, “We want to be a force for good in A Capella. We want to show that we’re not just another one of those A Capella groups.” Holman remarked, “We’re always looking for opportunities to serve people and share the gifts of music.” With that thought in mind, the group tries to have at least one or two service activities a semester.

Beyond MeasureAccording to the group’s Google+ page, Beyond Measure’s vision is “to be a professional, unified group centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ that inspire all through uplifting music to do good works to become closer to the Savior.” Their mission is “to accomplish these things by personally strengthening ourselves daily – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – to be able to strengthen others, not only through music but acts of charity and service as well.”

Beyond Measure has proven to be a haven for its members to escape obstacles faced in the course of life challenges, as well as, a gateway and a springboard for those who are seeking to pursue a career in the music industry. Since its inception, the group has established itself as a nationally ranked and recognized team that has proven to be a channel of good in the world.

The group made their debut on social media. They joined YouTube on 25 October 2013, and as of early March 2016, their channel has amassed 3,234 followers, and their music videos have been viewed 153, 957 times. The group also has social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They have several awards and accolades to their credit. Not only did Beyond Measure qualify for the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella its first year, but it placed second in the semi-final round, putting it at #12 of about 800 across the nation.

Beyond Measure would say that their purpose is to be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jessica Porter, a senior at BYU and member of Beyond Measure, explained this motivation, “We realize that if we don’t have a missionary mindset we don’t have a purpose. Our goal is to help people feel the Spirit through music because we know it is happiness for us and can bring happiness to others.”

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Face To Face With Beyond Measure

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