Michael McLean
Michael McClean released his debut album, You’re Not Alone, in 1983 and with every song that followed, his lyrics filled voids, encouraged love, and offered hope. Now, more than 25 albums later, his musical legacy has not only resonated in the hearts of thousands, but continues to be a standard for those seeking meaning and peace (official website). With a background in film, Michael began in advertising, making commercials for radio and television, and winning a Clio Award, National Addy Award, New York Ad Club’s Andy Award, two National Emmy Finalists Awards, and the Bronze Lion at the Cannes Film Festival.
He then produced and directed 3 films — Together Forever, The Prodigal Son, and Mr. Krueger’s Christmas. Since 2001 people have flocked to his musical The Forgotton Carols at Christmastime. Celebrating the Light, another of McLean’s musicals, ran for five seasons at the Promised Valley Playhouse in Salt Lake City and The Garden, an allegorical oratorio written with Merrill Jenson and Bryce Neubert, opened in Jerusalem and has been performed across the country as well as in France, South America, and Russia. His popular sea-faring musical The Ark enjoyed a New York City debut in 2005.
Michael has also authored four books with accompanying CDs – Distant Serenade, Hold on the Light Will Come: And Other Lessons My Songs Have Taught Me, The Forgotten Carols, and most recently, From God’s Arms to My Arms to Yours.
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