Ryan Tilby

Ryan Tilby

“Ryan Tilby’s tender approach is beautiful and reverent. His love for the Savior is elegantly expressed. Guitar Hymns is a wonderful contribution to our culture.”  Paul Cardall – Stone Angel Music (Jan 14, 2009) Ryan is part of Ryan Shupe &...
Sam Cardon

Sam Cardon

Emmy-winner, Sam Cardon, creates.  He has written or co-written dozens of scores for film, including 9 large-format films.  Sam has also written or co-written several themes for TV, such as National Geographic Explorer’s theme.  Whatever is thrown his way, he...
Sam Payne

Sam Payne

Sam Payne’s contemporary folk recordings and live performances have established him among the premier acts of the Intermountain West and beyond. Playing to audiences large and small, as a solo act or with his band The Sam Payne Project, Payne has brought his peculiar...


SHeDAISY is a trio of musically-talented sisters from Magna, Utah. Their sound is an amalgamation of country with flavors of pop, rock and every other influence imaginable. But first and foremost it’s country. They have been living in Nashville since 1989. Yes, one...
Simple Grace

Simple Grace

Simple Grace is an inspirational, uplifting, and positive vocal trio.  Burgundy Heiner, Audrey Howell, and Mallory Seamons began singing together in 2007, and continue to perform their spiritual and fun sounds.  Their first album, Now is the Time, includes songs that...
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