The Ones You Loved

The Ones You Loved

Almost two years into his career as a musician The Ones You Loved opens the hatch to release his debut album The Siren, The Spectre. Written as a concept album centered around the tragic life and death of his two close companions, the powerful content of the lyrics,...
The Orchestra at Temple Square

The Orchestra at Temple Square

The Orchestra at Temple Square, created in 1999 by Gordon B. Hinckley, is a volunteer-only group of musicians.  The Orchestra performs regularly with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Recently, they performed “An Evening of Russian Music”, under the direction...
The Piano Guys

The Piano Guys

Taking YouTube by storm, The Piano Guys shot to popularity with their unique take on several familiar songs. With Jon Schmidt on the piano and Steven Sharp Nelson playing the cello, the duo recreate a variety of music from the hymnbook to the radio into catchy...
Tiffany Alvord

Tiffany Alvord

Tiffany Alvord is a genuine singer/songwriter. She plays the guitar, has traveled to China, Canada, and Singapore to perform, and has delivered 2 great albums: My Dream, and My Heart Is. She rose to fame by recording covers and posting them on YouTube. To read about...
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