Sarah Ann Beynon
Sarah Ann Beynon is an LDS musician and lyricist. She works as a server at Brick Oven Restaurants in Provo, Utah. She studied at Brigham Young University (BYU) also located in Provo, Utah, and on 23 April 2015, she was married to Dallas Bertola in the Salt Lake City Temple for time and all eternity.
Her friend, Geoffrey Scott wrote the following as a Facebook post on his page about Sarah on the day of her wedding:
Today I had the amazing privilege of witnessing my BFF Sarah Ann Beynon be married for time and all eternity to Dallas Bertola in the Salt Lake City Temple. The spirit during the ceremony was thick as molasses. Sarah knows how to be a true friend, through and through. Sarah is kind. She is loving. She will always check in on you when you are going through something hard, even if she can’t help you materialistically. Her optimism and happiness are contagious, and help you a lot more than anything else would. Sarah, both overtly and silently, encourages you to be a better you, but doesn’t judge you if you aren’t yet.
Sarah joined YouTube on 4 July 2011, and currently, there are 140 subscribers to her channel, with over 12,000 views. Her latest video called “Until Heaven- A Tribute to Families Grieving the Loss of a Child” was posted on Saturday, 24 October 2015, and has already amassed 38,381 views.
According to the 3 November 2015 LDS Daily article by Aleah Ingram, “The song was inspired by Beynon’s niece, Margot Mouritsen, who was born with trisomy 18, a condition that causes severe developmental delays.” Margot, the daughter of her sister, Natalie, was born in February 2015 and lived for a week after being diagnosed. In honor and remembrance of her niece, Sarah held a candlelight vigil at Bicentennial Park in Provo, Utah on 9 October 2015 with an open invitation for anyone who wanted to come and support those whose children were gone too soon from this life. In the post on her Facebook page, she stated, “Their child’s life had a purpose, and they will never be forgotten.”
A charity organization, known as the Until Heaven Memorial, was created “to raise awareness for those who have lost loved ones in infancy.” All contributions given to the organization are used to benefit critically ill infants.
Sarah commented on the loss of her niece in the LDS Daily article. She stated:
Before she was born we had no idea anything was wrong so it was such a shock. I wrote this song and would sing it to her the week she was alive. She passed away a week later, and when she did so many of our friends and family shared similar experiences with us. So many people had lost children and we had no clue. I just felt like this song I had written could be a comfort to people. I wanted people to know that even though they might not talk about it often, their babies lives meant something. They were not meaningless and these special children have an eternal destiny.
Sarah wrote the chorus of the song first with hopes of easing any suffering that Margot may have experienced in her week on earth. She commented:
The chorus was kind of a promise to her that I would do everything I could to keep her safe and comfortable, that I would live my life in a way that I would qualify to be with her again, and that I would never forget her during my time on earth. It’s hard to put into words all the feelings that you have during such a devastating experience. That was the hardest part.
At the time, Bertola didn’t realize she’d also written the song for herself.
Her five-month-old daughter, Alice, unexpectedly passed away in her sleep. On a Go Fund Me page, the family wrote, “She was such a happy, wide-eyed little girl with a sweet, observant way about her. Our hearts ache so deeply to lose her.”
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