Brooklyn and Bailey, famous LDS twins on YouTube, have recently decided to explore their musical side. So far, they have written three singles of their own, each one better than the last. Their latest single, “What We’re Made Of,” is about the important role that women have in the world and encourages them to aim high, even if their talents don’t fit perfectly into feminine stereotypes.

Brooklyn and Bailey dressed up as construction workers in their music video for "What We're Made Of" about empowering womenThe music video for “What We’re Made Of” shows the twins dressing up as police officers, teachers, pilots, dancers, army women, and many other things. Their message is that women are able to excel at whatever they choose to pursue.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Brooklyn and Bailey were brought up learning that women have a very important role to play in God’s plan, and women are not less important or less loved than men. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, an LDS apostle, explained in a conference address, “The doctrines of the restored gospel create a wonderful and ‘unique feminine identity that encourages women to develop their abilities’ as true and literal daughters of God.”

Another of the twelve apostles of the Church, Russel M. Nelson, said, “All the purposes of the world and all that was in the world would be brought to naught without women.” In other words, God’s plan would not be complete without women—the world would be incomplete.

Mothers are especially important in God’s eyes because He wants to send his spiritual children to good families where they will be taught to succeed in life. He sends each of His children to the earth so that they have an opportunity to learn and progress, and the best way for them to do that is by having a good mother and father who love their children the way that God does.

Brooklyn and Bailey, being raised LDS, have a unique perspective about how their worth is defined as women, and it differs from most girls their age. Many girls today think that their worth is based on how attractive their bodies are or their level of popularity in school or on social media, but Latter-day Saint girls know that God loves us no matter what we look like or how popular we are. He loves us simply because we are His children, and each of us has amazing potential to become something unique and great with His help. While Brooklyn and Bailey are popular on social media, their LDS upbringing has taught them that they have intrinsic worth as women and daughters of God and that their value would be no different if they did not have a YouTube channel with millions of followers.

Brooklyn and Bailey do a giveaway for their subscribers after releasing their song "What We're Made Of" about the empowerment of womenBrooklyn and Bailey are also giving away a MacBook Air and a wireless mobile projector as a way to thank their subscribers for their support. According to their video, the way to enter the contest is to be subscribed to their channel and to do a random act of kindness for someone. Contestants need to write down what their good deed was in order to enter, and they are allowed to enter once a day until the contest closes on August 3rd. Brooklyn and Bailey want to encourage their fans to do acts of service because they want to “spread happiness,” and they know that even small acts of kindness can make the world a better place.



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