Claire Ryann Crosby and her dadWhat would your reaction be if you opened your social media and saw a message from a well-known celebrity like Ellen DeGeneres wishing you a happy birthday? Well, Claire Ryann Crosby could answer that question for you. Claire turned five years old on Thursday, 5 October 2017, and Ellen sent a birthday wish to her via Twitter.

It is amazing to watch the YouTube videos that Claire’s family has posted of her performing to see just what an incredible young talent she is. She recently appeared on stage with her dad, Dave Crosby, on NBC’s The Voice, after his awesome audition performance of “I Will Follow You into the Dark” by Death Cab for Cutie. At the request of Adam Levine, whose team Dave joined, father and daughter sang part of the song “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.”

Claire and her dad also performed a duet of the song “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in February 2017. The song’s arrangement, originally from Disney’s animated film Toy Story, has received millions of views on YouTube. Deseret News reports that Dave and his wife, Ashley, never intended to create a YouTube channel with Claire and are very selective about what they post about her online. Dave commented, “Our daughter has a talent that we want to share with people, but at the same time we’ve been trying to be really careful. We’ve had to do a lot of balancing about what to post and not to post and opportunities that we should take and some that we should turn down.”

Claire Ryan and her dadBy the age of four, Claire had already accumulated more than 50 million views on YouTube, appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show twice, was chosen to play Shirley MacLaine’s granddaughter, Rose, in the new The Little Mermaid Movie, and appeared on NBC’s Little Big Shots.

When asked why she likes singing, she told the Deseret News, “Because I just like to sing with my soul. It makes me feel happy.” Claire’s dad further commented, “She just feels the music. The facial expressions she does, that’s just her. We don’t know where that came from.” Her mother added, “We’ve been really careful to not push her to do songs or put in all this time. The making of the music and the production that Dave does is the bulk of the work, which he does when she’s asleep. For all that she knows, she sings in the microphone for a little bit and then she’s done.”

Besides Disney classics, Claire also sings songs with a spiritual note to them. Her music video of “Beautiful Savior” and “Gethsemane” have more than 11 million views to date.


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