A New BeginningEach new day that the Lord allows us to see is a window of opportunity to start afresh. Yesterday is now behind us, and although there were some mistakes that we made, or some things that were said that we wish we had not said, that page in the chapter of our lives has been written. The best that we can do is take note of the life lessons learned, and resolve to make each new day better than the day before.

Seneca, a Roman philosopher of the mid-first century AD once said, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Using that statement as a premise, the opening sentences or paragraph of the new page of our lives that is now being written may include a brief recap of recent days gone by or some other significant event that has helped bring us to this particular juncture in our lives. That recapitulation might include some of the mistakes that were made during our journey and the life lessons that were learned from those mistakes. Our introductory statements may also include our “battle plans” for pressing forward to make this new beginning something that will be memorable.

Marsha Petrie Sue, an author, public speaker, and motivational coach from Scottsdale, Arizona, is quoted as having said, “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.” This is wise counsel for each of us to heed, for we will never be able to forge ahead to new heights and adventures that await us so long as we continue to look behind us and have a desire to pitch our tents in the lands of the past and forever dwell there. Someone has wisely said, “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” The page that we write today in our book of life will be distinctly different for each of us because the vicissitudes of life are necessarily different for each person based on their individual circumstances.

We should understand that there is nothing inerrant with briefly reflecting upon the past. It is from the past that we can glean some of our most valuable life lessons. The danger, however, arises when we choose to pitch our tent towards the lands of the past and keep our backs turned against the land of new opportunities that await us. As a result, we shortchange ourselves and miss out on those things that might have been if only we had pressed forward, and not looked back. We must realize that yesterday has now come and gone, and has taken its place among the annals of history which are nice to peruse from time to time, but let us weigh on the side of caution and not spend an exuberant amount of time getting caught up in those pages.

As we approach the dawning of a brand new day – the start of a brand new year – let us be careful of wanting to keep our tents pitched in the lands of the past, or even wanting to set up camp in the land of the future. Let us stay focused on the tasks before us in the days ahead as we dwell in the here and now – in the land of the present.

Let us resolve to learn from our past, cherish today and thank God for any and all tomorrows that He may grant us. None of us know what tomorrow may bring, but we can know the One who holds all tomorrows in the palms of His hands. May the Lord watch over and keep each one of us and guide our footsteps on our journey.

From all of us at Latter-day Saint Musicians we wish you a New year that is blessed with peace, love, hope, joy, prosperity, and success in all that you endeavor to do. Happy New Year!


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