Gardiner Sisters - KidsHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be a youth again? What wonderful moments in time would we be reminded of if we could return to the days of yesteryear when life was simple and our days were filled with joviality and laughter? We did not live in a perfect world, but at least the world that we lived in did not seem to be as chaotic and out of control like the world is today. Perhaps those were the best of times. Maybe in some ways, those were the worst of times. Nevertheless, mom and dad were there and our family was close around us, and there are times, even now, when this author wishes those days would come back once more.

Perhaps I am just a sentimental guy, but I love looking through old photo albums and reminiscing about the days gone by. Someone once said, “I’ve learned that good-byes will always hurt, pictures will never replace having been there, memories good and bad will bring tears, and words can never replace feelings.” Some of the photographs are as fresh as the day that they were taken, and yet there are others that are now faded, tattered, and torn from age. Behind each photograph is a story. As I look at the photographs my mind begins to be flooded with some precious memories of days gone by, and the special people who helped make those days so precious and memorable. If those old photographs in my albums could talk, they would tell of some of the most wonderful times, and even of times that were not as wonderful. The photographs in those albums are more than just a bunch of old pictures, they are precious memories.

Gardiner Sisters - KidsThe Gardiner Sisters may have experienced some of these feelings as they were creating their music video of an acoustic cover of One Republic’s song “Kids.” Featured in the video are pictures and video clips of some of their family memories when they were younger. Their journey down memory lane combined with their melodious voices helps to paint a portrait of perhaps simpler times that they hoped would never die. Looking back on the days of yore, they undoubtedly reflect upon how far they have come since then with hearts full of gratitude, all the while not without mixed feelings of nostalgia and melancholy.

As you watch this video and listen to the Gardiner Sisters sing this song, try thinking back to the days when you were a kid and enjoy the sweet memories that are brought to your remembrance.


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