The word “minister,” when used as a verb, is defined as tending to, taking care of, looking after, or attending to the needs of another person. The scriptures teach us that we are to “lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees” (Hebrews 12:12). Scriptures also teach us, “Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body” (Hebrews 13:3).

Ministering in its truest sense means doing “the work of the Lord on the earth.” There is no greater service that we can render to our fellow man than to minister to them in the time of need. President Thomas S. Monson taught us that when we act in the capacity of ministers, our ministering should include reaching out to “the aged, the widowed, the sick, those with disabilities, the less active, and those who are not keeping the commandments.” When we extend our hands and hearts to lift another, not only are they blessed, but we also receive great blessings in return.

GENTRI visits London at homeThe music trio GENTRI recently had the blessed opportunity to put these things into practice. Recently, while visiting in Idaho Falls, Idaho, they heard about the story of 9-year-old London who lives in Rigby, Idaho, and has been enduring painful treatments several times a week and spends many hours at doctor’s appointments, in health clinics, and at the hospital due to her illness. According to East Idaho News, GENTRI is her favorite music group. It has been their music that has helped her to endure all that she has gone through and continues to go through. She even has a t-shirt that says, “Three tenors stole my heart.”

After hearing London’s story, they knew that they had to meet her. As part of and Ashley Furniture Home Store “Feel Good Friday!” initiative, the trio agreed to surprise London at her home before their Idaho Falls concert last Saturday, 22 September 2018. At first, London thought that was being interviewed by East Idaho News about her illness, but when she saw GENTRI walking in, she was speechless. In an exclusive private performance, the trio sang “Believe” and part of London’s favorite GENTRI song, “Dare.”

President Monson also taught us” that as “we extend to them the hand that helps and the heart that knows compassion, we will bring joy into their hearts, and we will experience the rich satisfaction that comes to us when we help another along the pathway to eternal life.”


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