Mary Hiett is an awe-inspiring composer who is originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho. She started writing music about four years ago at the age of 60. She says, “When God gave me this music, I did not know what to do with it. I’m not from Utah where everything is accessible, but I do live in an age where my phone has been a great asset to me. I am at the mercy of not having the best of everything.”

Nevertheless, Mary has and continues to compose beautiful music using the resources that are available to her. Her newest release, “Melissa,” is a prime example of the beautiful music that she creates. Here is the backstory in Mary’s own words.

About a year ago, I saw on Facebook that my friend Melissa Bartig Ropp had what was believed to be a stroke. I was shocked! Melissa is an amazing woman with high energy, physically fit, and full of love for her family and friends. When I saw this, my heart hurt for her.

Melissa is a young mother with four children. I guess that my initial thoughts were what it would be like if this had happened to me. I could not help but wonder how she would get through this.

Well… when I write a song for someone, I never know how it will work out, but it does, and I follow the promptings that I receive to compose the song.  Which is exactly what I did in composing this song about Melissa.

I started the first part of the song about a year ago and sent it to Melissa to get her approval, and perhaps, maybe to buoy her up. I don’t recall what happened, but I never heard from her.  So, I stopped composing the song.  My feelings were that she may have been feeling shy or reserved about this. I think that two to four months went by before I picked the song up again. Whatever happened during that time, Melissa now felt honored by my invitation to write her song.

I cannot say that I know all the specifics of Melissa’s life, but I know she is full of love and service for her family and that, at such a young age, she has had some major trials in her life.

Melissa is also a musician and has a deep and passionate love for music. Many times, through all her many struggles in life, she has found music to be her solace.

When she was diagnosed with having a stroke, she told me it was a hard thing to process. As she worked through it, an amazing thing happened, and she realized that she had been given a second chance in life.

I believe when you listen to her song, you will hear the sweetness, strength, and sheer determination to keep her little family safe and loved, and happy. It is as Beautiful as she is!

The video is just a piece of her beautiful song. The complete song will soon be released as a digital download.


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