Monica Moore Smith has been busy with her latest project called #WhoAreYou❤️, filming women in their homes as they mouth the lyrics to her newest mashup, “Who You Are/I Am a Child of God”. Why? Because she wants everyone to know who they truly are.

It’s part of a message, calling all of God’s children together and helping them recognize that beauty and looks and even talents do NOT define our worth. We are all of infinite worth simply because we are all children of God.

Some of the women you may recognize (Al Carraway, for example, also known as the Tattooed Mormon). These women bravely accepted Monica’s invitation to be a part of her music video and were filmed make-up free. It’s part of the statement: superficial beauty isn’t as important as the world makes it out to be. It doesn’t define us or accurately represent who we are in our Heavenly Father’s eyes. And aren’t these women beautiful just the way they are?!

Monica’s not saying that women should stop wearing makeup, but as she explains in her video, there’s a wonderful person inside needing to be known and discovered. Each of us has a light inside which, as we strive to become who we are destined to be, will become “brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (D&C 50:24).

If we know who we are, we know that we can become. If we know that we are children of a loving and eternal God, we know that we can become also gods and goddesses, ruling throughout eternity and progressing continually as God wants us to.

This message is shared at an especially difficult time in the world. Satan is in opposition to all righteousness and desires to steal the hearts of those who have the ability to help build up the kingdom of God. Monica’s video actually began as inspiration from Heaven. As she rode home from school only a few days after receiving her patriarchal blessing, Monica began to weep. She remembers, “I pulled over into the mall parking lot bawling my eyes out. I called my mom to tell her that I needed to do something. I had to create a song as soon as possible. I didn’t know why at the time, but I followed that prompting and I’m here to tell you about it now. This is long, but it’s the only way I can explain what’s in my heart.”

So enjoy the song, and share it! Help someone understand a little better today how important they are to God. Love them and tell them how beautiful they are—inside and out!


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