Rifftide - Hymn of ChristmasChristmastime. That wonderful, magical, whimsical time of year. The time of year when hearts are aglow, people tend to be a bit kinder, and holiday greetings permeate the air. It is the season for holly trees and mistletoe. It is a season when carolers and choirs sing traditional holiday songs; shoppers rush home with their presents, and kids anticipate the arrival of Christmas morning and all the packages they will find under the Christmas tree.

However, amidst all the merriment, we should remember to not overlook those who are perhaps less fortunate than ourselves. During this joyous season of the year, we should find ways to share the real meaning of Christmas and help to #LightTheWorld by serving others even in small ways, without expecting anything in return. 

Joie Music - Silent NightOne way that Latter-day Saint music artists are helping to #LightTheWorld is through the wonderful gift of music. Music is one of those gifts that keep on giving long after the season is over. Each of the artists presents songs in their own unique style. Songs that are familiar to the most casual listener. Songs that express the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Songs that will warm and make glad any heart. 

The video playlist below contains music videos created by various Latter-day Saint music artists in their efforts to help #LighTheWorld this Christmas season. The playlist will automatically update as new videos are added, so be sure to check back often!

From Latter-day Saint Musicians to you and yours wherever you may be this holiday season, we wish you a Merry Christmas! We also invite you to find your own ways to help #LightTheWorld.


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