WizdivoJohn Donne, a sixteenth-century English scholar, poet, soldier, and secretary wrote, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. . . . any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind.” 

Paul Kumah (his professional name is Wizdivo), a 25-year-old Latter-day Saint music artist from Kumasi, Ghana, Africa, involves himself in mankind through his music. On 4 March 2020, in honor of Ghana Independence Day, he released his dynamic single, “Hope.” The song is an anthem of hope to those who live in the orphanage, as well as all others in society who are less fortunate. 

In continuing with the “Keep Hope Alive” theme, on Thursday, 9 April 2020, Wizdivo released his newest single, “Corona.” The song is basically a clarion call for everyone to stay safe and to take care of themselves during the current outbreak of Coronavirus.

Wizdivo - CoronaAs the storm winds of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to blow over the entire world, we find ourselves living in desperate and uncertain times. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. Thousands of lives have already been claimed as the virus continues on its destructive path. The sense of togetherness and oneness as a community that helps to keep hope alive seems almost nonexistent as we are told to stay in place in our homes and to practice social distancing. 

Even so, in the midst of what may appear to be a dismal situation, Wizdivo believes, “As a society, we must unite together to help [create] joy and happiness [in our] hearts.” Even though we may be separated from each other because of social distancing, Wizdivo believes that all is not lost. His sincere message of hope is that we will get through this together as long as we do everything we can to remain healthy and safe. 


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