Hilary Weeks

Hilary Weeks(1)Sought-after LDS female vocalist and pianist, Hilary Weeks has engaged intimate as well as massive audiences. She delivers music whose lyrics infuse her faith in Christ with matters of everyday life, with “a rare combination of assuredness annd tenderness.” She is prayerful in writing, and never dreamt that she’d be on the path that has been etched out for her. Hilary reflects, in typical delightful candor: If someone had told me after I wrote my first song, that I would someday release seven CDs, I wouldn’t have believed them,” she says. “And if they had told me that I would sing those songs in front of thousands of people, I would have run. I never had dreams or plans of becoming a singer or songwriter. I liked music. I loved it. It was just that simple.” Raised in Alaska, Hilary grew up by the beautiful forests, streams, and water-lets by her home. She had plenty of quietude and considered some of those childhood scenes her own sacred spot for “communing with Heaven.”She recalls with fondness the vision of whales out in the distance as she sat in the forest by her home, overlooking the ocean.

At fourteen, Hilary composed her first song, and the pattern was begunning to weave itself. Her song “He Hears Me” was recorded on the 1993 Especially for Youth album. She has since released six albums. the latest of which is “If I Only Had Today.” Speaking of her spiritual experiences in writing this last album, Hilary writes: “God will never let us down. It took me fifteen years and seven CDs to learn that. While creating my first six album projects I spent many tear-filled nights wondering if I could write songs that were good enough. Was I good enough? As I began writing for this CD, I came to the realization that, though all along I amy not have been good enough, God has been. He has made up the difference. Every time. As I approached this seventh project, I decided to trust Heavenly Father completely. I was not going to worry about whether or not the songs would come–I just believed they would. And they did. Turns out, this is the most pleasant writing experience I have ever had. That late-night tears were replaced with trust and I felt God’s hand in every song. He is there for us. And He will never let us down. I believe that. May these songs carry that witness to your heart.”

Hilary, Tim, and their four daughters reside in Utah. Of her family, Hilary says, I love being with my family. They are the best thing in my life. I have just beeen so incredibly blessed. And in addition to having a happy, health family, somehow, thoruhg encouragement of wonderful friends, support of a loving family, and guidance from a patient Heavenly Father, my road has also taken me on an incredible musical journey. Hilary is a favored Mormon speaker and performer at LDS conferences for women, known as Time Out. Those of all faiths are welcome to join in on a day of music, and events that enable women to “regroup spiritually and catch their spiritual breath.”

Hilary’s Official Website

Hilary on Facebook


Posted on

April 8, 2015

1 Comment

  1. Rod Johnson

    Totally love your music. Listen to you on Pandora
    Helps me during “my moments” of Life’s tests.



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