Marvin Goldstein

Marvin-GoldsteinMarvin Goldstein will celebrate 50 years of perfoming on June 6, 2009 at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo, Utha, along with many other musicians.  For more information, click here.

Highly acclaimed pianist Marvin Goldstein began musical training at age 9 and by 18 was awarded a music scholarship to Tel Aviv University School of Music, Tel Aviv, Israel. He continued his formal training at the famed “Mozarteum” of Salzburg, Austria and completed his education with Bachelor and Master of Music degrees at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.

Marvin explained his perspective on what lessons people can learn from music.  “I have personal knowledge that music is powerful and con do these things and it’s all true, but I can’t convince anyone of this unless they hear it for themselves.  I tell people, ‘you have to listen to more than just the notes. Lean forward and listen more intimately.” (Quoted from Irvine World News’s article)

Marvin travels extensively sharing his gift of music with people throughout the world in such places as:

  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Anchorage, Alaska
  • Oahu, Hawaii
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Various provinces of Canada and London, England
  • Numerous locations throughout the continental USA.
    He has been the headline talent for tour groups ships sailing on:
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Pacific Ocean.

In the famed Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Marvin ushered in the new millennium on New Year’s Eve 1999. In November 2003 he headlined a showcase concert at the Venetian Hotel Showroom in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Marvin also hosted concerts in Jerusalem, Israel with the noted Israeli singer Gali Atari and in southern California with Gali Atari and Arabic singer Najwa Gibran.

Marvin has recorded over 40 compact discs including popular music, patriotic melodies, show tunes, sacred music and love songs. He recently released a CD with Grammy winner Billy Dean and former NBA star Thurl Bailey. Marvin has also arranged 15 piano solo music books.

Marvin Goldstein has the unique ability to draw his audience into the music as they experience the emotions a particular piece may invoke when the piano comes alive under his direction.

Marvin and his wife Lenae reside in Tallahassee, Florida. They have one son, Nicholas.

Marvin Goldstein’s official website


Posted on

April 3, 2015

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