Merrill Jenson

Merrill JensonMerrill Jenson, film-score composer, has been in the thick of music for over 30 years.  His resumé is overflowing with powerful compositions, such as the film scores for Testaments: One Fold and One Shepherd, Legacy, and Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration, and Emma Smith: My Story.  The list doesn’t end there, and didn’t just begin.

Merrill’s mother helped him learn how to conduct music by standing him in front of a mirror while listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, where he could watch himself conducting the music.  He also learned how to play the piano in his home, while his father played the trumpet.

After graduating from BYU in Music Composition, and having led the BYU Marching Band as their director, he made his way to Los Angeles.  He worked menial jobs in the film-making industry, hoping to rub shoulders with those who could help him learn more about it.

Merrill’s work continues to be an inspiration to the many who have been touched by his music.

To learn more about his discography, film scores, and concert productions on Wikipedia, click here.


Posted on

April 1, 2015


  1. Cheryl Burton

    Is there a way I can contact Merrill Jensen directly? We had an invitation for him.

    • Keith L. Brown

      Good afternoon! Although Mormon Music features many LDS music artists, we do not have a way to put you in direct contact with any of them. I recommend trying to contact Merril Jensen through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media channels.

      Keith Lionel Brown
      Lead Writer, Manager for


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