Family Playing Board Game At HomeThe home is the place where the word “love” is not a noun, but a verb. The love and compassion that family members have for one another are demonstrated more than just through spoken words. Each member of the family sets love in motion as in their day-to-day familial relationship parents show their love for one another as well as their children, and children express their love for their parents and each of their siblings. Hanging above the threshold as one enters the portals of a loving home is a long-established sign that reads “Love is Spoken Here!”

Many valuable life lessons are taught in the home, and the learning process for a child begins the moment he or her as a baby is brought home from the hospital and becomes part of a family. It is in the home where children learn to live together, work together, laugh and play together. It is there where they learn that the watchword of the day is “togetherness.” It is in the home where every family member learns how to respect one another and to peacefully resolve conflicts amongst themselves, never allowing the sun to set upon their anger. “There is beauty all around when there’s love at home” (Hymn 294, “Love at Home).

Inspirational songwriter, Sara Lyn Baril, has written a new song that emphasizes the importance of families. The song is titled “Where Would We Be Without Family?” Vocals for the song are performed by country music sensation, Nathan Osmond, accompanied by Jennifer Marco, and Sara’s son, Benson Baril. All profits (MP3 and sheet music) from the song will go to support pro-family work. You can also  help support pro-family work by purchasing mp3 and/or sheet music of “Where Would We Be Without Family.”

In the description of the song, Sara comments:

The institution of the family is under attack in the world. You don’t have to look far to see it. Values and morals are deteriorating, and many people are re-defining the family according to their own desires. This is affecting children and families everywhere and adds confusion and instability.

If the institution of the family is going to be saved, it’s going to be through parents and families rising up to fight for what we believe in – taking an active part in defending freedoms and rights which protect children and parents. There are many toxic threats to the family, ideologies which undermine and diminish the importance of the parent/child bond, betray childhood innocence and rob families of time, energy, money, and security.

Happy family in parkThis author is in total agreement with Sara that families provide a protective umbrella from the vicious onslaught of absurd ideologies and selfish agendas presented by the world. She states that she wrote the song “Where Would We Be Without Family” to “spread awareness about the importance of family, the importance of standing up against anything that undermines the sanctity of marriage and family and to encourage us to open our doors to children and families who are struggling and less fortunate.”

What Sara writes in her blog post entry titled “Women Called to Defend The Family: A Proclamation to the World” featured on the Mormon Women website puts the exclamation point in place concerning the utmost importance of preserving the family. She writes:

One of the great challenges we face as we defend the family is being caught between standing up for our beliefs and being labeled as intolerant. Tolerance goes both ways, and though our views of marriage and family may not coincide with the world’s views, we can still defend with courtesy and compassion. The stakes are high, and our commitment to God’s plan is vital to not only our salvation but the salvation of our brothers and sisters. We must courageously defend what we know. God is counting on us.

The home is the central core of the foundation of any society, and strong family unity is society’s lasting hope for the future. “If the foundations be destroyed,” exclaimed the Psalmist, “what can the righteous do?”


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