Elder Tanner LinfordLatter-day Saint Musicians first introduced then 18-year-old Tanner Linford to our audience in February 2016. He is from Kaysville, Utah, and is a graduate of Davis High School in Kaysville. He has three younger siblings and enjoys listening to rock, pop-rock, and alternative rock, with one of his favorite bands being U2.

Tanner is also a pop singer. He auditioned for NBC’s reality singing competition The Voice twice – Season 6 and Season 7. After his audition for Season 6 where he sang a Rihanna ballad, “Stay,” he was told by the judges to polish his act and come back at a future date. He returned to the show during Season 7 at age 17 and became one of the top 48 artists for that season. For his Season 7 audition, he decided to go country singing Alison Krauss’ “When You Have Nothing at All.”

Fast forward to 2017. Tanner Linford, now 19 years old, is Elder Tanner Linford serving a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Canada Calgary Mission. While serving his mission, he is a member of the Bow River Calgary Alberta Stake.

Elder PeihopaRecently he collaborated with another missionary, Elder Peihopa from New Zealand, to pen the words to a wonderful missionary song called “Beautiful Days.” They are not missionary companions but decided to combine their musical talents to create the song and video. The video was published on YouTube on 3 May 2017 and as of 13 May 2017, it has already garnered almost 2,700 views. The video has also been shared on Facebook 3,500 times to date. The song “Beautiful Days” shares their love for missionary work, the gospel, and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tanner’s faith has a significant role in his life, and he loves to share that faith through music. He has said, “Some of my favorite times I’ve ever sung have been in church. There is nothing like the spirit that music can bring.”


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