What better way to come down softly from Easter week than with a beautiful cover of a heart felt song about our Savior and Redeemer?

Yahosh Bonner is a fairly recent artist who has and will continue to release many covers of currently popular songs. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as such, releases a few LDS hymn covers every now and then. One of his recent covers, released on YouTube about a month ago, is of the hymn “Savior, Redeemer of My Soul.”

The background music in this cover is so peaceful and soft, and fits perfectly with his voice as to balance each other out and altogether brings to pass an amazing soul felt song. His tone of voice, singing speed, and choice to have quieter music in the background all help to make listening to this song a spiritual experience.

The Spirit, also known as The Holy Ghost, testifies of truth. As such, when our spirits hear truth we yearn for it, and can feel that inside of us. For me, music is one of the fastest ways to feel The Spirit. I can be having a super bad day, and if a spiritual song comes on and testifies of light and truth to me, my day is automatically made better.

Savior Redeemer My last few years have not been the best of my life, and I have often struggled on and off with different challenges, temptations, and trials. As I have tried and overcome these difficulties, music has brought peace and joy into my life. About 2 years ago I first heard this hymn, “Savior, Redeemer of My Soul.” The rendition that I heard was one by BYU Vocal Point. I immediately was touched and felt The Spirit testify so strongly to me of the power of Christ and His life and His influence in our lives. I have been changed ever since this song entered my life, and hearing this cover by Yahosh has made me come to love this hymn even more.

I think that one of the most powerful parts of this video is towards the middle when Yahosh is finishing off verse 1 and goes through verse 2.

The lyrics to this part are:

Verse 1: “Whose wondrous power hath raised me up, and filled with sweet my bitter cup! What tongue my gratitude can tell, O gracious God of Israel.”

Verse 2: “Never can I repay thee, Lord, but I can love thee, Thy pure word. Hath it not been my one delight, my joy by day, my dream by night? Then let my lips, proclaim it still, and all my life reflect Thy will.”

Towards the end of verse 1 the lyrics really start to sink into my heart and soul, but the music and Yahosh’s voice are still quiet and calming. Then suddenly towards the middle of the video, and from the middle to end of verse 2, Yahosh adds power and dynamics into his voice and into the singing of the hymn that you can feel. The Spirit bears His witness to me especially powerful at this point in the cover. I am sure others have felt and will feel the same way I do when I listen to this rendition of this hymn.

I felt privileged to be able to find this hymn in the first place, and now to be able to experience Yahosh Bonner’s cover of it. It is a beautiful hymn that, along with others like it, will color and bless life for the better!! How grateful I am to have people in this world that can create such beautiful and powerful messages that can be expressed through the universal language – Music.


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