Pearl Award-winning songwriter, Doug Walker, graduated from Brigham Young University in 1996 with a degree in Music Media Composition and was a cast member in the final shows at Opryland, USA in Nashville in 1997. His album, Stones in the River, produced by Deseret Book in 2001, has continued to be a favorite among LDS music lovers. Doug has also written songs for other albums including Women of Destiny I and II, Celebrating the Music, Love is a Journey, His Love I and II, Whatever It Takes, as well as various EFY and other LDS music albums. Doug and his wife, Sherry Marks Walker, have three children and live in Northern Idaho.
Doug Walker
Please tell Mr. Walker how much I love and enjoy his compositions. I’ve listened to many of them countless times, and they have given me much joy and peace. I have shared them with many people, and will continue to do so. My favorites are Mountain of the Lord and What Heaven Sees in You.