Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Mormon Tabernacle ChoirThe Mormon Tabernacle Choir has been called many things: an American icon, a symbol of freedom, a holiday tradition, the greatest choir in the world. Why is the Choir universally recognized and lauded? Of course, it makes great music, but perhaps more central to its success is the ability of the 360 members of the Choir to lift the spirits of people of diverse cultures, ages and religions all over the world.

One of the oldest and largest choirs in the world, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has performed before presidents, sold millions of records, won scores of awards and enthralled audiences in more than 28 different countries. The Choir is composed of 360 volunteer singers ages 25-60—all exceptionally talented musicians. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah at the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Choir is composed of faithful members of the Church. They practice and perform weekly and are accompanied frequently by the Orchestra at Temple Square.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir recently released an album “Heavensong”, which has already hit #1 on Billboard’s Classical Crossover chart.  The critically-acclaimed album includes a beautiful arrangement of “The Prayer” with David Foster.

The Choir also celebrated 100 years of existence by releasing a new album: “100: Celebrating a Century of Recording Excellence”.

To read about their 100 year anniversary, click here.

News article about the MoTab by ABC Radio (Australia)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Official Site


Posted on

April 1, 2015


  1. Pamela Kapitz

    Do you take music (children’s anthem) submissiions?

    • Keith L. Brown

      Good evening! Yes, we absolutely accept children’s anthems submissions. Please use the form, which is found under the tab “Submit Your Music” on the front page to submit your music. Thank you!

      Keith Lionel Brown
      Lead Writer, Manager for Mormon Music


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