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Mormon Music’s Social Media Septet

Mormon Music’s Social Media Septet

Did you know that besides the main website, Latter-day Saint Musicians also has seven social media channels where you can find articles about some of your favorite Mormon music artists, as well as, some of their music videos and audio tracks? Mormon music can be found...

Garth Smith Provides A Memorable Music Experience for Deaf Member

Garth Smith Provides A Memorable Music Experience for Deaf Member

Christine Petrolati, a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, lost her hearing from scarlet fever when she was 12 years old. She attends the Vista 8th Ward in California where Garth W. Smith, an LDS musician/pianist who specializes in original...

Mormon Music Announces the New Mormon Musicians YouTube Channel

Mormon Music Announces the New Mormon Musicians YouTube Channel

Have you ever wanted to be able to find music videos of some of your favorite Mormon artists in one location without having to wade through an ocean of other YouTube videos to find the one video that you are looking for? Well, look no further! The Latter-day Saint...

Cedar Breaks ® Band-Music Building Religious and Cultural Bridges

Cedar Breaks ® Band-Music Building Religious and Cultural Bridges

The following press release from Mike Ericksen of Empath Media LLC was published on News on 25 May 2018. Cedar Breaks Band, a part of Empath Media LLC, has won friends across the country with award-winning music and films. Cedar Breaks Band's messages of...

John Wayne Schulz – The High Flying Pilot, Singer, U.S. Marine

John Wayne Schulz – The High Flying Pilot, Singer, U.S. Marine

John Wayne Schulz, a small-town cowboy and horse trainer, was born on 29 September 1987, in Columbus, Montana. He hails from Karnes City, Texas, just south of San Antonio, where he grew up on an 800-acre ranch working cattle, something that his family has been doing...

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