Elizabeth Rennick
Elizabeth Young Rennick, assistant professor of double reeds, joined the faculty of Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), where she is also coordinator of chamber music studies, in 2005. Previous to this appointment, she held positions at Snow College (Ephraim, Utah) and Coe College (Cedar Rapids, Iowa). She holds degrees from Brigham Young University (BM and MM) and the University of Iowa (DMA), and considers herself lucky to have studied with Geralyn Giovanetti and Mark Weiger.
Elizabeth is a founding member of Dolce Veloce, an actively touring flute-oboe-piano trio, with flutist Sonja Giles and pianist May Tsao-Lim. Dolce Veloce has had performances in Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Iowa, Wyoming, Arkansas, Texas, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Nebraska, and Minnesota. She has served in the Cedar Rapids and Dubuque Symphony Orchestras (Iowa) and the Lexington Philharmonic (Kentucky). She was pleased to play at the International Double Reed Society Conference in 2005 (Austin), 2008 (Provo), and 2010 (Norman), and has been selected as a performer in the upcoming 2011 (Tempe) conference. She performs with numerous small ensembles, including the Madison Winds, the resident faculty quintet at EKU, and is especially fond of playing with the Lexington Bach Choir and promoting chamber music in the Lexington area.
An enthusiastic educator, Dr. Rennick frequently works with the Central Kentucky Youth Orchestra and is a resident faculty member of the Stephen Foster Music Camps, the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts, and Wyoming’s Music, Arts and Technology Festival. Elizabeth enjoys making reeds and looks forward to the publication of her research on oboe reed-making pedagogy in an upcoming volume of The Double Reed. She resides with her husband and daughter in Richmond, Kentucky.
Elizabeth Rennick’s Testimony on Mormon Scholars Testify
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