Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell (b. 1960) grew up in Ottawa and Prince Edward Island, Canada. He is a Canadian, Latter-day Saint, father of six, and active composer and musician. He made his first attempts at composing at age nine. Through church he gained experience in performing, accompanying, organ playing, and began a life-long love of choral singing, conducting and writing.
Mark studied music at the University of Ottawa and the University of British Columbia, graduating with a doctorate in composition from the latter. He has worked as a teacher, choral conductor, and for 12 years in the computer game industry, creating music and sound for games, with credit on over 40 published games.
His compositions include many choral works, vocal and piano solos, a musical, a book of original hymns, pop songs, and a concerto for Celtic harp and strings. He has had choral works performed for broadcast by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Vancouver Cantata Singers, and the Vancouver Chamber Choir, among many others. He has had orchestral works commercially recorded and performed professionally in Edmonton, Montreal and New York City. He also has several choral and piano works published and recently published a book of original hymns in collaboration with LDS author Orson Scott Card.
Mark’s catalogue is dominated by vocal works, including a musical play, The Gift of the Magi, a dozen choral works (both sacred and secular) and several art songs with diverse accompaniments. He also composes for the piano, the organ and the orchestra. He composed an anthem, God Is Our Song, which was published by Gordon V. Thompson. And his composition, Alma’s Blessing, for soprano and orchestra, is included on an album released by Utah’s Covenant Records.
For the past several years, Mark Mitchell has slowly been working on an oratorio. He currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario with his wife and two of their six children.
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