Sally DeFord
Sally DeFord is one of those people so filled with gratitude for her gifts, that she shares them for free. She has the gratitude of numberless church choir directors and soloists who go to her website for free downloads of sheet music and then practice using her audio files.
Her original pieces and arrangements are always creative, top-quality musical offerings. One of her songs, Miracles, expresses her philosophy of life:
Amid the countless blessings the Lord has given me
The light of truth and goodness; the Holy Spirit’s peace I see the many sorrows that his children must endure
So much hurt I long to heal. How can I change the world?
There are hands I cannot hold
Hearts I cannot comfort
Tears that only miracles can stay
So let me love and serve and teach
Those who come within my reach
For miracles begin that way
The Savior walked in Galilee, unknown in many lands
Yet touching every nation by the labors of his hands
Giving light to all the world by teaching but the few
He is my example in the work that I must do
(Repeat chorus)
I will bear the burden of my neighbor in his need
I will share my Savior’s love in every kindly deed
He will magnify my efforts, and I’ll understand at last
That by these small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
Follow Sally DeFord
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