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Charity Keeps On Singing After Two Double Lung Transplants

Charity Keeps On Singing After Two Double Lung Transplants

Charity Tillemann-Dick is an opera singer. She's been all over the world sharing not only her incredible singing talent but also her story of pain, resilience, faith, triumph, and hope. In 2004, Charity was diagnosed with a very rare disease called idiopathic...

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Announces Guests for 2017 Christmas Concerts

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Announces Guests for 2017 Christmas Concerts

The holiday season will soon be upon us and the annual holiday performances by the world-renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir will be held on December 14-16, 2017, in the Conference Center on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. Joining the Choir will be the Orchestra...

David and Jazzy Archuleta and Their Brotherly-Sisterly Bond

David and Jazzy Archuleta and Their Brotherly-Sisterly Bond

Someone has very wisely said, “There can be no companion better than a brother and there can be no better friend than a sister!” This is evident whenever a person sees a picture of world-renowned entertainer David Archuleta and one of his siblings. The close bond that...

Kenya Clark and Sara Arkell Sing “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”

Kenya Clark and Sara Arkell Sing “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”

This week’s “Video Find of the Week” features two extremely talented and gifted LDS youth, Kenya Clark and Sara Arkell (The Piano Gal). They beautifully and masterfully perform a flawless rendition of “Amazing Grace (My chains are gone).” The location used for the...

Project #WhoAreYou❤️

Project #WhoAreYou❤️

Monica Moore Smith has been busy with her latest project called #WhoAreYou❤️, filming women in their homes as they mouth the lyrics to her newest mashup, "Who You Are/I Am a Child of God". Why? Because she wants everyone to know who they truly are. It's part of a...

Ellen DeGeneres Wishes Claire Ryann Crosby A Happy 5th Birthday

Ellen DeGeneres Wishes Claire Ryann Crosby A Happy 5th Birthday

What would your reaction be if you opened your social media and saw a message from a well-known celebrity like Ellen DeGeneres wishing you a happy birthday? Well, Claire Ryann Crosby could answer that question for you. Claire turned five years old on Thursday, 5...

Jenny Oaks Baker and Family Film Sound of Music Medley

Jenny Oaks Baker and Family Film Sound of Music Medley

Jenny Oaks Baker and her family filmed a wonderful treat for us on location in Salzburg, Austria. Everyone remembers Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music, right? Julie Andrews and Christoffer Plumber and the seven children marched melodically into our hearts...

Eclipse 6 Releases Second Gospel Album – “Sing Thy Grace”

Eclipse 6 Releases Second Gospel Album – “Sing Thy Grace”

Eclipse 6, one of the most awe-inspiring a cappella groups to ever grace a stage, is comprised of six talented vocalists - Paul Hansen, Kevin Jones, Jake Despain, Dan Kartchner, Shayne Taylor, and James Case. This dynamic group got its start by arranging their own...

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