Nicole Sheahan

Nicole SheahanNicole Sheahan is from Hamilton, Montana. Throughout her life, she has lived in Nashville, Tennessee, Baldwinsville, New York, and Warsaw Poland. She is a graduate of the Class of 2004 from Hamilton High School in Hamilton, Montana. She is also a 2010 graduate of Brigham Young University, having received her degree in Media Music Studies. Besides English, she also speaks French and Polish.

Nicole is a unique singer/songwriter. She has said, “I write songs about what I’m learning and what’s real to me. I sing in my sleep. I love my Savior…He is why I believe.” ReverbNation proclaims that Nicole’s musical journey began with a child’s “creativity and imagination,” believing that she was Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, spending hours singing “Part of Your World” at the top of her lungs.

By the age of 13, she had taught herself how to play the piano, and by age 19, she had taught herself how to play the guitar. When she was 20 years old, she became inspired to start writing music. She released her debut album Invisible Facts in December 2007. She was featured on EFY 2014 and EFY 2010, singing “I Am His Daughter.” And she has performed with several famous musicians including Kenneth Cope and Alex Boyé.

Having a strong desire to lift and edify others through her music, her energy and enthusiasm for life allow her to be open about her faith and her belief in Jesus Christ. According to ReverbNation, one of Nicole’s fans has said, “Nicole has a gift for singing things that people feel deeply – something that most pop music doesn’t reflect.” Nicole enjoys reading books by C.S. Lewis, and one of her favorite quotes by him is: “I believe in Christ, as I believe in the sun at noonday.  Not that I can see it, but by it, I can see everything else.”

Nicole Sheahan is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She currently resides in Provo, Utah, and became engaged to Braden Eads on 17 June 2017. Her music can be found on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, ReverbNation, and YouTube. Another of her favorite quotes is by Handel: “My lord, I should be sorry if I only entertained them – I wish to make them better.”

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