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GENTRI’s Newest Cover Song: “Bless the Broken Road”

GENTRI’s Newest Cover Song: “Bless the Broken Road”

GENTRI recently released a cover of "Bless the Broken Road" and it's more than just "good." Tugs at your heartstrings, doesn't it? If you’re familiar with the Rascal Flatts version, you’ve probably loved this song since it hit the No. 1 spot on the Hot Country Singles...

Dave Crosby, Dad of Claire Ryann Crosby, Auditions for “The Voice”

Dave Crosby, Dad of Claire Ryann Crosby, Auditions for “The Voice”

Dave Crosby is the father of the amazingly talented 4-year-old YouTube sensation, Claire Ryann Crosby. Many people follow Claire’s adventures through her YouTube videos on her family’s YouTube Channel called Claire and the Crosbys. By following Claire, viewers have...

Evie Clair’s Faith on America’s Got Talent Touched the Lives of Many

Evie Clair’s Faith on America’s Got Talent Touched the Lives of Many

The votes have been counted and the results for this season of America’s Got Talent have been announced. Evie Clair, the 13-year-old Latter-day Saint teen who wowed both judges and audiences alike with her emotional performances finished ninth in the competition....

Eclipse 6 Sings “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Eclipse 6 Sings “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" is well-known for its meaningful lyrics, moving melody, and light harmonies. Eclipse 6 gives a taste of their a cappella magic as they sing a variation of this beloved hymn. Written in the 18th century by Robert Robinson when he...

Brandon Flowers Talks Mormon Faith Misconceptions with Rolling Stone

Brandon Flowers Talks Mormon Faith Misconceptions with Rolling Stone

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Brandon Flowers, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the frontman for the rock group The Killers talked about some of the ways that the Mormon faith is misrepresented. This is not the first time...

Wayne Burton’s Music Video “Pray” is Timely Message for Our Day

Wayne Burton’s Music Video “Pray” is Timely Message for Our Day

The world in which we live seems to be filled with turmoil, confusion, and despair on every hand. The news reports are replete with stories that tend to convey messages that there is no hope left, leaving many to believe that there is nothing that they could possibly...

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