Music News
David Archuleta Joins Several Celebrities and Sports Stars in Support of Middle-School Boy Who Was Bullied
One dictionary definition of the word bully is “a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.” To bully someone then, is to “use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one...
Evie Clair Collaborates with Other Music Artists to Help Light the World
Singer, songwriter, arranger, and musician, 12-year-old Evie Clair, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has captured the hearts of many adoring fans with her unique gift of music and angelic voice. She started developing her piano playing and...
LDS Twins Jason and Jeffrey Linford Creating A Buzz in Hollywood
Jason and Jeffrey Linford were born in Boise, Idaho, but grew up in Mesa, Arizona. They are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and both served full-time missions. Jason served in Korea, and Jeffrey served in Romania. They graduated from Brigham...
Richard Williams with The Black Piper Presents KALADIN
Someone has wisely said, “The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have, or do.” Richard Williams,...
David Archuleta Helps to #LightTheWorld
This article and companion podcast is being shared with permission from Laura Hales of the LDS Perspectives Podcast website. Nick Galieti sits down with David Archuleta and discusses what members can do for the #LightTheWorld 2017 Campaign through acts of service....
Jenny Oaks Baker Helps to #LightTheWorld
This article and companion podcast is being shared with permission from Laura Hales of the LDS Perspectives Podcast website. Tune in as Taunalyn Rutherford interviews Jenny Oaks Baker about being a mom, concert violinist, and performing with her children. America’s...
Lyza Bull Sings “Stand in the Light” in the Heart of New York City
Lyza Bull is an immensely talented 12-year-old soprano who sings with the world-renown One Voice Children’s Choir under the direction of Masa Fukuda. Her astounding music prowess shines through in her previously released music videos this year. On 3 September 2017,...
Various LDS Music Artists #LighttheWorld with New Music Video “Come and See”
Bri Ray is a singer/songwriter whose keen interest in music began at an early age, learning to play the violin at the age of four. When her parents discovered that she had taught herself to play her violin songs on the piano, she began taking piano lessons. At the age...
David Archuleta and Madilyn Paige Leave Home Crowd at Abravanel Hall Wanting More
On Monday evening, 20 November 2017, David Archuleta returned to his home state of Utah and performed a concert at Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City, Utah. This was the first time that David has performed at the venue in six years. The crowds went wild as the house...
LDS Music Artists Share What They Are Thankful For
Traditionally, every fourth Thursday in November is set aside for the celebration of Thanksgiving Day. On that day there are Thanksgiving parades on television in the morning, followed by football games in the afternoon. It is a day when family, friends, and loved...